Monday, January 14, 2008

Episode 502: "Look Out, Here They Come!"

Two posts in one day! I'm a blog whore! I just saw 502. I have plenty of work to get to, but I'm so fucking high off of L Word and Kelka love right now. And I'm listening to the Gossip remix from last week's episode. I feel like such a groupie.

This episode was directed by Jamie Babbit. I like Jamie Babbit. I still really need to see Itty Bitty Titty Committee.

Opening Scene: Seeing Shane and Bette kissing was just weird. As were all those other hypothetical hookups. But it was sort of hot because it was so weird. Or maybe because all the actresses look amazing this season. It was amusing though.

Shane: Oh my. Shane is back! I was drooling over her. Her hair, her outfit, her demeanor. Daym. That was the Shane that drives the URL of my blog. I think the title of this episode is a reference to all the women Shane fucked. But I think they overdid her player status, and I'd like to see her somehow grow without losing her charisma. I think they foreshadowed to a return from Carmen when Shane told the bride she reminds her of someone.

Alice: I wished she could have been funnier this episode, but I like how they treated her like a real person who has problems and can't always turn everything into a punchline. I really want her and Tasha to work because Alice deserves to be happy.

Bette: Her hair is too short. She needs to stop kissing Jodi in public so much. I loved how she re-delivered the "Some lesbians you have to break up with more than once" line to Phyllis.

Tina: Her date sorta looked like Lara. She's acting all Bette-crazy the way she was in season 1, and she doesn't appear to be fully aware of it.

Helena: I laughed out loud when Helena was describing Dusty to Kit and making her crush evident. Did you ever think, when Helena first came onto the show, that she'd be in prison and fucking a burly woman named Dusty? That was hot.

Kit: I also laughed as Kit strut her way into prison.

Max: He doesn't pass as a man, but, whatever, Daniela Sea looks the part, so I'll forgive that. I'm really hoping to see Max and Tom get it on.

Jenny: I'm not going to dignify this "character" with any commentary.

Overall, the episode was entertaining. It didn't feel overly crowded the way episodes from last season felt. In terms of plot progression, it felt a bit slow, but I have a feeling it'll be worth the wait and that there will be some twists. I hope the whole season is good, but I'm predicting some inevitable inconsistencies.

1 comment:

perfectcrazy said...

I can't wait to see Itty Bitty either. I agree ep. 2 was a tad slow, but I think it will be more like season one, which I loved minus the Jenny carnival scenes!