Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Superficial

  • I have to admit that I'm getting excited about season 5 of The L Word. I haven't exactly be waiting in eager anticipation, but it's hard to not still care about Alice, Shane, and Bette. (Although I don't have Showtime, and I have a feeling that youtube won't be able to provide the way it did for me with season 4). But, I'm happy about new Kelka podcasts and Riese episode recaps. It's gonna be GREAT! Teehee.
  • Dirt should be coming soon too. I didn't exactly follow the storylines from last season; I basically just gawked at Carly Pope as she played a super hot domme lesbian. Yum. I just realized that I've had a huge crush on her for seven years now. I don't know what to make of this.
  • I did a Google image search of the phrase "Jesus fucked my unicorn in the neckhole," and I got these results. I like the pole of people, and the fact that Google asks if I meant, "Just kicked my unicorn in the neck hole"?
  • I'm a bit surprised I've kept this blog for so long. I'm glad I have; it's been fun to post to it somewhat regularly. I'm looking forward to a new year of gay entertainment. Happy New Year!

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