Friday, March 14, 2008

Comparmentalize Not

Well, I've been a crappy blogger lately. I'm just going to let this conversation speak for itself:

Me: i've been feeling kinda straight lately
Friend: ...
Me: lol yeah i guess that's not terribly interesting
Friend: my ellipses were because it continues to confound me that orientations strike you as moods or modes or phases
Friend: it's not been like that for me
Friend: when i'm around a female i like i don't feel more queer or more like a lesbian
Friend: actually it's more typical that i feel less like a lesbian
Friend: because i'm so conscious of the separateness most lesbians are into
Friend: not to mention straight girls
Me: hah
Me: interesting
Me: i dunno if the moods are always connected to my company
Friend: well, or your attraction
Friend: or your interests, or what you do for fun, or what podcasts you're listening to
Friend: a (lesbian) editor told me i "write like a dyke"
Friend: i'm still puzzling over that one
Friend: in conclusion bisexuality is confusing and sort of impossible sometimes
Me: lol
Me: write like a dyke??
Me: odd
Me: i sorta feel that way about my personality and manner of speaking
Me: so i suppose that could be translated to writing
Friend: yeah, i mean, it just strikes me as a case of you making things more difficult and rigidly structured than they have to be
Friend: certain clothes or foods or behaviors or ideas are queer, others are gay, others are straight, others are misc
Friend: imho they're all you
Friend: and they don't need to be sorted out as such
Friend: or if they do they should be signifiers of what makes you happy or doesn't
Friend: if identifying and analyzing them makes you happy then go nuts with it
Friend: i'm just saying it never did for me
Friend: it continues to make me terribly sad that i'm alienated by both lesbian and straight society
Friend: being alienated by hets i can deal with because ALL heterosexuals are by definition alienated
Friend: because they have different genitals and they can't figure out what to do with that difference
Friend: but when you come to know lesbians (i'm sure i'm preaching to the choir here)
Friend: you think it's going to be this cool, free-wheeling, hair-down celebration
Friend: and it's just as petty and backstabby and exclusionist as anything in straight culture
Friend: sad shit
Friend: the l word banks on this :P
Me: yes yes
Me: i hear you all the way
Me: the l word is crap
Me: i only watch it for the amusing characters, humor, and kelka
Friend: well it kind of does for lesbos what six feet under does for death
Friend: both deglamorizes it (good) and glamorizes it in a different direction (kinda not so good)
Me: yeah, that's a pretty good analogy
Friend: "FUCK THIS PARADIGM! (here's another one)"
Me: haha!
Me: you always give me good material at the right time
Me: when i have just crap or nothing
Me: i think my need to structure everything is a phase
Me: i'll probably see that it's too laborious and just go with the flow
Friend: i know you will

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