Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Since I've been bitchy, I figured I'd share that I finally made the effort to make conversation with Cute Health Food Store Girl. We had some nerdy nutrition talk for about 45 seconds. Sadly, this is a milestone for me.

She's cute. She has a cute smile and a cute voice. She smiled at me. And she looks like she has soft skin. We're soo gonna run away together.

Well, I don't really want that, but it is nice to actually feel this way about a girl. It's been quite a while.

So, if I can use some advanced sleuthing skills to figure out her name (by, you know, asking her), I will actually not feel like a big wuss.

Ooh! And my best friend and I have decided we should go to a gay girl bar together. In spite of her confidence and charisma, girls turn her in an awkward pubescent boy too. We'll take turns taking initiative.

Yay for progress, even if it's in the form of baby steps.


Eve said...

We should absolutely go to T's and get each other drunk and slobber all over beautiful women

ShaneMo said...

let's do it lady. i'll wear whatever you tell me to.