Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Presentation is Everything

The Planet Podcast, Episode 306: Lifesize

Kelka are discussing how laidback Elka's parents are and how coming out was a painless, humorous affair for her:

Elka: Like, I told my mom I was dating a girl before most of my friends knew.
KC: And what was her reaction?
Elka: "Oh that's nice, Dear. Let's go shopping."
KC: I remember that...
Elka: My mom is like, "If you get A's, I don't give a fuck. What else goes on in your life, just keep getting A's!" And so I did.
KC: I remember that cus I called you like the day after your mom left, and I was like, "Oh my god, you came out to your mom. What'd she say?" And you were like, "Eh, she didn't care; she just wanted to go buy some shoes."
Elka: Seriously, telling my mom I got a C on a test would be way more traumatic than telling her that I eat pussy.
KC: [laughs] Well, it's not like you said that. I dunno...
Elka: [laughs]
KC: If you actually said, "Mom, I eat pussy, " I think she might be a little dumbfounded.
Elka: She would turn red and laugh and probably, like, smack me on the arm.
KC: [laughs] She'd be like, "Have you been drinking before noon again?"

God, I wish my parents were remotely as open-minded and laidback as that. Hah, and I'd love to see Elka's mom's reaction if Elka had said, "Mom, I eat pussy."

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