Heterosexuals can be annoying.
Yeah, I'm part-hetero, but I still have days when I find the breeders irritating.
I wonder how many people really are bisexual or homosexual. Obviously, the vast majority of the world's popoulation is heterosexual, but how many people would express their non-heterosexuality if society didn't operate based on the heterosexual assumption? The truth is that homosexuality is denounced and heterosexuality is pervasively reinforced by societal and religious programming. The gay and bisexual people that do come out of the closet are the ones who 1) are in tune with what their sexual orientations are telling them, and 2) are brave enough to deviate from the hetero norm.
But what about those people who, say, aren't quite straight and aren't quite bi? Or the people who are bi? Or the gay people who don't at all look like the stereotypical lumberjack lesbian or flamboyant fag? Do they suppress their homosexual desires to fit in?
I don't hate straight people or men. I'm not seething with rage and bitterness. But there are times when I feel some aggravation with various social and legal heterosexual privileges:
1) They don't have to go through a process of acknowledging, understanding, accepting, and defending their sexuality.
2) They are far more likely to be able to safely assume that the person they are interested is heterosexual; they don't really need "straight-dar."
3) People don't question why they're heterosexual. People don't blame it on sexual abuse or a dysfunctional relationship with a parent.
4) No one opposes their right to reproduce regardless of the fact that most people aren't psychologically or financially stable enough to be decent parents.
5) No one opposes their right to get married.
6) They don't have to face demeaning remarks, behaviors, or stereotypes for wanting to fuck someone of the opposite sex (even though men and women often think of sex very differently).
Most organized religions consider gay sex to be immoral, dirty, unholy, etc. Well, what good has heterosexual sex done for humanity? At least gay sex doesn't lead to teen pregnancies, accidental pregnancies, and abortions (I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean that I'd want myself or anyone in the position of having to get an abortion because it can be a difficult choice to make). At least gay sex doesn't make incompetent people into unfit parents. At least gay sex doesn't lead to unwanted children who flood public school systems with loads of emotional baggage that underpaid teachers have to manage.
I'd venture to say that a dick in a vagina has done more global damage than a dick in the ass. So I really don't get why heterosexual sex is revered as the sexual archetype.
Maybe I'm just aggravated because most females want the wedding dress, husband, kids, baby showers, etc. ad nasueum. And I don't entirely understand that.