Friday, August 15, 2008


One: Ohmigod! I JUST discovered Dan Savage's podcast. I guess this is one good thing that has come out of my Kelka withdrawal. I love how he talks and delivers advice bluntly and confidently. Right now, he seems so all-knowing to me.

Two: This incident sort of happened again: my friend invites me over to try on clothes that she doesn't want that might look good on me. Maybe we'll make it an annual ritual. I whined and moaned, but I gave in. I didn't freak out as much when I saw myself in the dress she had me wear this time. In fact, I internally acknowledged my own hotness, and I thought of occasions in which I would actually wear it (although all I can come up with is wearing the dress in order to get someone else to take it off me). Perhaps this is progress?

Three: So my new favorite drink is Malibu and pineapple juice. Everyone has been telling me this is a girly drink. So stuff that tastes good and sweet is girly, and stuff that tastes like crap is manly? If it's harder to ingest, then you are proving your masculinity. I guess I see the connotation, but I think deliciousness should be genderless.

Four: I usually look younger than my age. I also have friends who look younger than their age. You know you're getting old when you catch yourself checking out a girl and then realize that she might be underage or barely legal. I have no frame of reference.

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Ooh, Dan Savage is great! Good for you for discovering the podcast. Lucky--you have a ton of episodes to catch up on. Have fun!