Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Nails + Chalkboard = HRAA!

I consider television to be an art form. I don't say this because I'm trying to rationalize all of the hours I've spent in front of the tube. I say this because television isn't always just mind-numbing entertainment.

It can explore the complexities of human relationships and sociopolitical issues. It can showcase different styles of writing, humor, ad-libbing, cinematography, etc.

Six Feet Under changed my view of existence forever and forced me to be more aware of my own mortality every day.

Dexter, my new favorite show, manages to coast through the challenging grey areas of morality while maintaining suspense.

Oz deserves props for having the guts to be raw, dark, and unedited.

Sex and the City humorously examined female sexuality.

Arrested Development features quirky humor that manages to make insufferable people endearing and hilarious.

Curb Your Enthusiasm puts bullshit social decorum under the microscope while being deliciously offensive.

The fast-paced dialogue in Gilmore Girls, while unrealistic and occasionally annoying, is impressive.


And in some ways, I have more respect for an awesome television series than an awesome film. A TV show has to keep people interested over a longer period of time. And more time can lend itself to more depth.

With this being said, The L Word is kind of an insult to the art of television. Yeah, I am curious to see the finale and see who killed Jenny. But, seriously, it would have been cancelled if it didn't have lesbians in it. And by "lesbians" I mean "unattractive straight women being paid to kiss other women." Blech.

For me, it's all about TiBette, Alice, and Shane. These are the actors and characters who are still hot and interesting. And I really think they're the ones who have managed to salvage the show. Because the writing is CRAP.

I'm tempted to use specific evidence to back my assertion, but I wouldn't know where to start or if it'd be worth the time and irritation.

So what can I identify as my take away from The L Word? It's okay to be gay? As long as you're excessively girly? That some people simply cannot be faithful? That you can kill off a great character in the name of being a PSA? That you can completely butcher the first media representation of an FTM's experiences? That you can turn a sympathetic, nuanced character into a cariacature?

And what the fuck is up with the straight dykey carpenter chick? What are they trying to say? Boyish girls can like dick? This is true, and I can identify with that. But, damn, she's more than just boyish.


Hmmm, I've been crabby lately. I think it's going to take a Six Feet Under/Kelka/Fight Club cocktail to revive me.

Praise Kelka. SRSLY.

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