Friday, August 17, 2007

The Blind Leading the Blind

I've pretty much found a younger version of myself:

i want this girl at my work
fbaddict: i have like a month before i never see her again
ShaneMo: ooh la la!
ShaneMo: back to girls!
fbaddict: haha
fbaddict: it goes back and forth
ShaneMo: yes, well
ShaneMo: that's what bisexuality is
fbaddict: yeah but i dont want her sexually
fbaddict: so its bisexuality without the sexuality
ShaneMo: how do you want her then?
fbaddict: i dont know
fbaddict: i just want her
fbaddict: lol
ShaneMo: how specific
fbaddict: i dont know, im confused
fbaddict: do you want to kiss her?
fbaddict: i think so
ShaneMo: do you want like...a close friendship?
fbaddict: i dont know
fbaddict: i think im just confused
ShaneMo: i know, that's why i'm trying to ask you questions to get some idea
fbaddict: i dunno
fbaddict: i think i just have a crush on her
fbaddict: i always have actually
fbaddict: she kind of reminds me of another crush
ShaneMo: hah
fbaddict: well i dont see her as a replacement though
fbaddict: but i think one of the reasons why i like her is because she kind of reminds me of her
ShaneMo: yeah
fbaddict: shes a bit older than me though
fbaddict: so i dunno
ShaneMo: how old?
fbaddict: 23
ShaneMo: LOL
ShaneMo: yeah, she's just an aging hag
fbaddict: LOL
fbaddict: no but i mean
fbaddict: its different with girls
fbaddict: like its ok if a guy is older
ShaneMo: yeah, i understand...i guess
ShaneMo: do you feel a big age difference w/ me?
fbaddict: no
fbaddict: i dont really think about it
ShaneMo: well, you also can't see me, but yeah
ShaneMo: i don't either
fbaddict: haha
ShaneMo: you're 21, right?
fbaddict: 20
ShaneMo: god, i was a complete idiot when i was 20

ShaneMo: do you want to...hold hands w/ her?
fbaddict: i really dont know what i want
fbaddict: i like being around her and i equate that with having a crush on her
fbaddict: see, i need to experiment
ShaneMo: ah, right. yes you do.
fbaddict: remember i was talking about this before, i think you felt the same way...that it takes a lot for us to want another girl sexually?
fbaddict: like it's not with guys
ShaneMo: right
fbaddict: yeah maybe it's that
ShaneMo: i gotcha
ShaneMo: so you'd have to get to know her better to know more about what you want?
fbaddict: i dont know
fbaddict: probably
ShaneMo: physically do think she's attractive enough to fuck?
ShaneMo: in theory?
fbaddict: yeah i guess so
fbaddict: like if i was a guy
fbaddict: yeah
ShaneMo: well, you aren't a guy
fbaddict: yeah but i mean, i could see why a guy would want to
fbaddict: but as a, i wouldnt. not now anyway
ShaneMo: ah, okay
ShaneMo: straight sex can be easier.
ShaneMo: even tho men usually take a while to navigate through vagina
fbaddict: lol
fbaddict: yeah, lesbian sex is too complicated
fbaddict: i think i saw that on an episode of will and grace one time
fbaddict: she said something like "i almost became a lesbian, but it took too much effort"
ShaneMo:'s different for everyone
ShaneMo: some women like the effort
ShaneMo: giving a blowjob isn't always a walk in the park
fbaddict: i could easily get tired of it with a girl
fbaddict: then i'd be the stereotypical bisexual and leave my girlfriend to go back to men...ha
ShaneMo: lovely
ShaneMo: and we sort of harbor a hatred for that
fbaddict: yeah i know
fbaddict: its horrible
fbaddict: i hate girls like that

Yay for self-loathing and hypocrisy!

And yay for perpetual confusion:

ShaneMo: i think you need to kiss a girl
fbaddict: well, thats what im counting on this girl for
ShaneMo: ah, right
fbaddict: although shes old
ShaneMo: she's MY age
fbaddict: lol
ShaneMo: you little twit
fbaddict: haha
fbaddict: hey, im old too
ShaneMo: stop it!
fbaddict: well its true
ShaneMo: no it isn't
ShaneMo: if she doesn't work, just doll yourself up, go to a gay bar, have a drink, and find some hot girl. you could pull it off
fbaddict: but i dont want some random girl
ShaneMo: i'm just saying maybe you should get some girl kissing out of the way
ShaneMo: i understand you don't want it to be random
ShaneMo: but i think it could possibly help you feel less confused
fbaddict: true
fbaddict: what if i dont like it
fbaddict: does that mean im straight?
fbaddict: what if im really turned off by it
ShaneMo: well, it'll be more info to go on
ShaneMo: i don't think you're straight
fbaddict: lol
fbaddict: but if i dont like it, then....?
ShaneMo: then maybe you need more emotions
fbaddict: so then i need to focus on her
fbaddict: cause there are emotions there
ShaneMo: yes, she's definitely the first project
fbaddict: shit. what if i like it better than with boys...then im a lesbian?
ShaneMo: hm, well, with the way you talk about dick...i don't think you're a lesbian either
fbaddict: haha

Talking to her is like deja vu for me; I was like this in college.


Breezy said...

Hilarious. I love to see how other people deal with their sexuality. Mine was no joy ride but its just funny to see others perspectives.

ShaneMo said...

Welcome! Thank you for your comments.

Yeah, I think it's easier to laugh at the whole process of understanding yourself when it's done in hindsight.