Friday, August 31, 2007

Wrong Team

"My dear, everybody should marry a homosexual at least once. It robs a pretty girl of all her sexual vanity. It is very healthy."-a character in The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith

"Every woman falls in love with a gay man; it's like a female rite of passage."-Keith, Six Feet Under

The "fag hag gone awry" or "beard" phenomenon seems to get a lot of attention. Now it has become acceptable to laugh at it (being overweight, bisexual, and having Tourette's also falls into this category). Or you could go on Oprah to share your story of not being able to detect your ex-husband's homosexuality. I can see the humor, but it's still sad.

What about other permutations of falling for someone with a different orientation? Is it a bi/gay girl's rite of passage to fall for a straight girl? Or maybe a bi/straight guy's rite of passage to fall for a lesbian? It seems like the straight woman falling for gay man story gets more attention, but does it really happen the most often?

I'd say converting a het to the gay side is the ultimate rite of passage.


Des said...

I always get the married/engaged girls comin' at me, that's too much drama for me.

ShaneMo said...

Wait...married/engaged girls hit on you?

Des said...

Yes! and the outcomes are never good... well sometimes they're good for a minute but then the drama comes.

ShaneMo said...

Wow, yeah, I couldn't handle that kinda drama either.

That's sad that they're getting married and not entirely clear about their sexuality or sense of monogamy.

How many times has this happened to you?

Des said...

Yeah, that's always what concerns me too, these girls that are getting/are already married and they are so confused as to what the really want. And I don't want to give the wrong impression, its always them pursuing me, I'm definitely not the person who intentionally breaks up relationships.

I've had it happen 3 times in the past like 4 months.

ShaneMo said...

3 times in 4 months? Daym. I feel like I should and shouldn't give you props.

Des said...

um its frustrating, like seriously i can't seem to find a normal girl that isn't married/engaged. i should just use that as my opening question now, "so you aren't like married or engaged or anything like that are you?"

Unknown said...

Dear Because writing, etc. etc.:

Well, I am a writer...
So it is important that I keep abreast (no pun intended) of all the latest trends, hot lingo, erotic fun games, and - well, you get the idea!
So, thanks for that.
Some of the kinky stuff may come in handy in my next novel.
In that event, please note I always give credit where it is due!