Monday, November 12, 2007


I was listening to the radio, and there was a discussion over a double standard: if two girls kiss, they aren't necessarily gay/bi, but if two guys kiss, then they are definitely gay/bi.

One woman confirmed this double standard by saying that girls are supposed to experiment and guys aren't. Another said that girls kiss other girls because it turns guys on.

I felt irritated and switched to another station.

Why can't guys experiment? Why can't guys enjoy kissing other guys and be okay with leaving it at that?

And, most importantly, why can't guys kiss for the sake of turning girls like me on?


Eve said...

Oh my God. Nobody hears you like I do.

Eve said...


As de facto leader of a new GSA, I feel politically obliged to tell you that whether two girls kiss or two boys kiss, both are filed under "questioning."

~*The More You Know*~

ShaneMo said...

Thank you for hearing me. And for the homosexual PSA.

schwa said...

I think everyone is bisexual. Or maybe I'm just lost in a new world of confusion.

ShaneMo said...


Hmm, I think a lot of people have the potential to be bisexual. They may or may not realize this potential. But I think a lot of people also can't fathom playing for more than one team.

ooijj said...

would it be wrong for a lesbian to kiss a groom at his own gay wedding?

ShaneMo said...


Haha, well it's not like your gay friend is going to have a torrid affair with that lesbian.