Monday, April 2, 2007

Re: Mysexuality

I'm not going to hash the issue of bisexuality on any scale that does it justice. But I had a few floating thoughts today on MY bisexuality (or mysexuality):

  • I'm neither gay or straight; I'm both and neither all at the same time.
  • Consequently, I can simultaneously feel like an insider and an outsider around heterosexuals and homosexuals.
  • I'm NOT looking for the same qualities in a man as I am in a woman, and I don't exactly know what that means.
  • When I think of a relationship that works and is fulfilling, I think of a relationship with a woman. It just makes more sense in my head; it's like being able to kiss your best friend. I can't imagine my best friend being a guy.
  • When I think of some of the more irritating qualities that my ex boyfriend had (e.g. being a bit on the needy side, enjoying being socially unacceptable in public), I think some of them would be more tolerable and perhaps more endearing if he was a woman.
  • But I know I'm not just a gay in transition because I do enjoy the wang.
  • I don't always like being bisexual.

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