Saturday, September 15, 2007

Give Me Sarcasm As a Coping Mechanism. Flash.

YAAAY for gay bashing! And women aren't immune to getting beaten up. How's that for equal treatment of the sexes? A lot of people who read my blog probably read Slo and Green's blog, but I figured I'd post a link anyways.

Lately, a lot of morbid things have been happening to people I directly or indirectly know. Oh, you know, the usual: people my age getting run over by trains. People my age dying of leukemia. People my age feeling little to no faith in humanity.

And this might seem small in comparison, but I do have that hippyish animal lover in me:
  • I'm being assaulted with dreams of my dead cat. Gay girls are supposedly cat lovers after all.
  • I produced my first bit of roadkill today: I killed a squirrel. I happen to love squirrels in spite of the fact that they don't seem to look both ways before crossing the street. And the little fucker ran right into my wheel form the side. I didn't react quickly enough, and I'm not sure what I could have done. I felt the car bump a bit, and I looked in my rear view mirror to see it convulsing and bleeding onto the road. I felt sick to my stomach.
No, I'm not going to turn into one of those paranoid people who lives in fear all the time. But forget about God, karma, and all those other beliefs that some people promptly throw out the window when bad shit happens. I'm not sure I believe in safety. All I can do is have some faith in myself and my ability to deal.

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