Thursday, September 6, 2007

TV Talk

I used to be so hooked to "The L Word," even when the show started to disappoint. Now I realize that I sorta forgot about it, and I'm only looking forward to season 5 for new Kelka podcasts. Maybe that's because I've found other TV shows that are so much better (some of which do a much better job of dealing with gay issues). Or maybe the show has only survived because 1) it created such a strong loyalty after the awesomeness of the first two seasons and 2) there aren't a lot of shows with lesbians (although this is changing).

I watched a few random clips on youtube yesterday, and I had some thoughts:
  • It's such a cliche now, but I forgot how hot Shane is! How could I forget? Her voice, hair, clothes, demeanor...she's the hottest woman on the planet.
  • California University of New Technology? They HAD to have made the acronym for Bette's workplace "CUNT" on purpose.
  • I miss Alice and Bette. You know you're too into TV when you actually miss characters in the off season.
  • My tolerance for watching Daniela Sea "act" is decreasing. She should just model because all she is is nice to look at.
  • In spite of the fact that I complain about how the show doesn't represent bisexuals positively, I really do not want to see Alice in a relationship with a man. I mean, she's played by one of the cutest lesbians ever. I think Helena would be a more convincing bisexual.
  • On a related note, the show seems to like to play opposites with sexuality. Like Alexandria Hedison and Leisha Hailey are gay in real life, but on the show they're a bit straight.
  • I want to see Shane, Alice, and Bette in wifebeaters in season 5. And I want Bette back in power suits. Hot hot hot.
  • Bette should get some sort of revenge on Franklin (the boss at the CAC who fired her while her father was dying) in season 5. Seriously, her losing her job was a major factor in her break up with Tina.
  • Erin Daniels should be in most episodes of season 5.
  • I sort of just want a fairytale happy ending in season 5: Sharmen should get back together, and they should adopt Shay. Hopefully Carmen's bitchiness factor would decrease. TiBette would work it out. Tasha and Alice would live happily ever after (and be super hot I might add). Dylan should come back to Helena, admit her gayness, apologize, and beg Helena to be with her forever. Max should get top surgery, be happy with it, and settle down with Grace. As for Jenny..I don't give a fuck what happens to the bitch. I will say that I always wanted her and Marina to work it out, but I doubt that'll happen.


perfectcrazy said...

I totally agree with your L Word fantasy.

Des said...

I totally agree with your Kelka obsession.