Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I was lucky to be able to watch Obama's inauguration with a new special someone. A very snuggly special someone who has managed to figure out where I'm most ticklish rather quickly.

I was obviously not pleased to see Rick Warren give the invocation. Particularly since his words were so hypocritical. But hey, Obama is a politician who has to make nice with pricks. On the bright side, Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, said a prayer on Sunday.

As easy as it would be to complain about Obama's potential inadequacies regarding advocating gay rights, I think it's important to remember that the man has a full plate of big problems to attend to, e.g. our deteriorating economy.

Speaking of change, I'm somewhat determined to not fuck things up with Special New Someone. Not that I'm 100% to blame for my past break-ups, but I'd prefer to decrease my contribution to this next possible relationship's deterioration.

Here are some not-so-healthy behaviors I've subjected loved ones to in the past:

-being reserved/secretive about how I feel
-using my own confusion or personal issues as an excuse to push others away
-being neurotically possessive
-overreacting to potential dealbreakers
-freaking out at some small thing and then backing out
-getting naked too soon

Well, I sound like a monster. Maybe I'm more like Shane than I thought--and not in a good way.

Regardless, I'm excited about the changes in progress; growing is too much fun.

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