Saturday, January 24, 2009


It felt so good to hear KC and Elka's voices again. I got over my withdrawal from them, but goddaym! It had been too long. I loved all the endearing grammatical offenses.

And something fruitful came out of it: I laughed so hard that my abs tightened into a pleasing burn. This reminded me that I need to stick to my pilates routine in the interest of strengthening my mush-like lower back. Thanks Kelka!

KC brought up a good point that had never occurred to me: in a way, Prop 8 was a good thing because the enormity and shock over something like that happening in California could serve as an eye-opener for the rest of the country.

California is associated with being liberal, vegan, and yogic. And yet it could ban same-sex marriage by a simple majority vote. Who'd have thunk it?

Pissing off a lot of people is often a great catalyst for change. So hopefully Prop 8's passing could play into the gays' hands in the long run.

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