Sometimes I think I should keep a tab of how gay or straight I feel on each day, enter the data into Excel, and make a pretty graph of it. I clearly am a nerd, and I'm clearly letting work seep into my my non-work life.
Appropriate visuals are key to an effective presentation. I spent about 20 minutes creating this crappy diagram of high school (click image for a clearer view):

How do you count the percentage then?
Good question. I dunno. I'd probably rate my orientation on the Kinsey scale each day. And then chart the fluctation and calculate the average.
There are days I feel more gay than others too.
Interesting. For me it would be like- first crush on girl, am I gay?, No I've liked boys before., Did I really like boys before because this feels different?, Was that right then or this right now?, What is actually supposed to feel like when I am attracted to someone?, Oh forget it I am going to be alone for ever so it doesn't matter whether I like girls or boys, I'm going to get a cat.
Your line of questioning made me laugh. Yeah, mine was also a bit more complicated than what I put in the diagram. Maybe one day I'll make a more detailed one.
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