Friend: i think im a lesbian
Me: who likes dick?
Friend: yes lol
Me: okie dokie
Friend: there could be such thing
Me: probably
Friend: cause its all about what it comes down to emotionally
Friend: i feel like my hetero attraction to the boy im dating is just like...conditioned or something
Friend: like its not real
Me: i've def felt alll gay
Friend: right now?
Me: hah no i feel straight now
Friend: lol of course
Me: but it could be your lesbian pill
Friend: grr stupid lesbian pill
Me: well at least you're in a flexible position
Me: some ppl are so gay that a pill might not shift their orientation
Friend: lol im starting to think that its not the pill though
Me: it's your girl crush and her rainbow powers
Friend: LOL
Friend: that sounds like a lesbian fantasy. having powers to convert straight girls
Me: hah yes!
Me: at the end of the day, you can identify however you want for yourself
Friend: are you sure youre not lesbian
Friend: maybe you also go through the hetero motions
Friend: cause thats how youve been taught
Me: i think the motions apply to everyone
Friend: somewhat
Me: i do feel emotionally attached to my bf
Friend: but not as emotionally attached as you would to a woman maybe?
Me: probably not, no
Me: in spite of how nice he is to me and how hot i find him
Friend: i think like...for me, when a boy does something aw-worthy, i feel something but idk...when a girl i like does something, i feel something but it feels REAL. gah i am too confused
Friend: right, exactly. so that = lesbian
Friend: cause then youd be happier spending your life with a female
Me: maybe
Me: i'd rather end up with one
Me: but a preference for girls doesn't negate bisexuality
Friend: ok but what if you can only have crushes on guys, but you can never be in love with one
Me: i'd say i have loved guys
Friend: oh
Friend: well then i guess youre bi. im the lesbian
Me: but been head over heels IN love...still not always as strong as a girl
Me: i was pretty fucking crazy over the first girl i kissed
Friend: that was pretty lesbian of you
Me: lol yes
Friend: i just dont want to be lesbian
Me: fighting it makes it worse
Friend: so you are saying im lesbian?
Me: lol i don't know what you are
Me: but fighting whatever you are doesn't help
Friend: lol
Friend: great now im a lesbian
Me: you're 75% gay
Friend: are you serious
Me: i dunno! i'm trying to make you feel better
Me: so what if you are a lesbian?
Friend: omg you really think i am?
Me: LOL no
Friend: gah!
Me: i've always thought you were bi
Friend: so im bi. thats better
Me: if you are gay, it wouldn't be as bad as you think
Friend: dude. actually being in a committed relationship with someone of the same sex for the rest of your life would have so many social consequences
Friend: youd have to deal with homophobia on a regular basis
Me: it'd be hard, but it's manageable
Friend: i dont think it is
Me: depends on where u are
Friend: yeah but i live in a very liberal city
Friend: and i can still see the homophobia
Me: well the homophobia needs to challenged
Me: things wont change if u hide
Friend: true...but do you want to fight something for the rest of your life
Me: i know that's easier said than done
Me: life is always a battle with something
Friend: but gayness is the hardest
Friend: wow i feel so bad for gay people
Me: i'm sure there are harder things
Me: you have a stigma in your head
Me: there's some truth to it, but it's exaggerated.
Friend: fuck, maybe youre right. i have internalized homophobia
Me: and if u were a lesbian, you'd be a hot lesbian
Friend: yes and id end up with some butch because thats how most of them are
Me: no. oh god. chill
Friend: sorryyyy
Me: lol no need to apologize
Me: it was kinda amusing
Friend: hahaha
Me: "do you think i'm gay? you do don't you? just say it! i'm a raging bulldyke in the making!"
Friend: LMAO
Me: lol
Friend: thanks, i needed that laugh
Me: no problem.