Monday, April 21, 2008

Stranger Lover

I miss new Kelka. Granted, now there are soo many hours of yummy podcasting goodness to re-listen to, but we got so spoiled this past season.

Kelka is one of my centering tools. When life or interpersonal interactions get stressful, it's nice to have a consistently funny realm to partake in. It's theraputic.

I wish I could blog more here; typing is still laborious for me.

Being in a relationship with a male after feeling so gay for months on end is...odd at times. It's been about a month, and I'm still happy with him. I know a month isn't long, but it is in my world. I don't feel like I have to give up being queer, but I do make sure to wear the boyish half of my wardrobe on days that I don't see him.

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