Friday, April 18, 2008


Me: aww yr making me feel all maternal
Friend: how?
Me: if/when u do kiss a girl, i'm gonna be so damn proud
Friend: hahahahaha
Friend: not if, when
Me: right, when
Me: i'm gonna be like, "that's my girl"
Me: "she's growin up so fast"
Friend: hahahahaha
Friend: the pic better be on facebook
Me: of u kissing?
Friend: yes lol
Me: so i can cherish it?
Friend: haha yes
Me: awww
Friend: and so can i

Me: i refuse to have long nails
Friend: why not try
Friend: you get used to them and they are so nicce
Me: only if i became a hand model
Friend: LOL
Me: i've been told i have nice hands
Friend: if you get acrylic nails youll have really nice hands
Me: eh
Me: i dont want ppl thinking im straight
Friend: whats so bad about that?
Me: well, i'm not straight
Me: and it decreases the already small chances of me finding a girl to makeout with
Friend: true
Friend: apparently some lesbians do have long nails though
Friend: femmy ones
Me: well i can be femmy, but i'm more of a giver
Friend: you arent a pillow queen. lol!
Friend: whats the opposite of that
Friend: isnt it a stone butch?
Me: hah maybe
Me: gah i'm not that either
Friend: haha no
Me: well w/ guys i can be pillow queen'ish
Friend: not with girls? wow. thats really lesbian of you
Me: but i'm proud of the blowjobs i can give
Friend: well if you can deepthroat, you should be
Me: damn straight
Me: but yeah, i like to be able to make a girl happy
Me: it makes my sexual resume very impressive
Friend: ew
Me: i'm just bi
Friend: you truly are i think
Me: knowing that doesn't make life any less irritating
Friend: well being bi isnt bad
Me: bisexuality is constant irritation
Me: the up side is that one can still be straight
Friend: and the down side is being gay?
Me: well that's how you see it
Friend: it is though
Friend: i really think the birth control pills were making me lesbian. ive been off them now for a while and i felt so fucking hetero today
Friend: my gay friend and i were checking out guys, and there was this gorgeous guy with really hot arms. i was, like, staring at him
Me: lol wow
Friend: the lesbianism is wearing off, thank god
Me: welcome back to the middle of kinsey's scale

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