Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Confuse Thyself

This post is sort of a commentary on the previous post: my friend keeps suggesting that I find a sweet, pleasing guy. In the past, men who can impress me with their insight, ambition, slight egomania, and involuntary use of big words have made me weak in the knees. If they don't challenge my brain and way of life, then I'm not interested.

I don't look for these qualities in females. In females, I want more emotional comfort, companionship, and equality. Conversely, if a guy is too sweet or too emotional, then my interest decreases.

I look for males with traits that are similar to mine except amplified. I like them to be brilliant and dominating. And then I discover that I'm dating a grouchier and controlling version of myself and get turned off.

I have lower intellectual standards for females. I don't want them to be airheads, but I don't want them to be like me: the types who analyze everything so much that they want to staple their forehead (this would be a Brenda Chenowith reference to those who've watched the greatness that is Six Feet Under).

So I see females as interactive escapes, and I see males as introspective explorations. I look for guys who are too similar to me and girls who aren't as similar to me? Odd.

I've unintentionally partitioned my attractions to different people! I've expected males to be more intellectually fulfilling and females to be more emotionally fulfilling. Why is this? Because these are the stereotypical roles that males and females are supposed to play? Females can be intellectual and males can be emotional. I know this, and I've experienced it, but I don't act accordingly.

Why the fuck am I so irritatingly confusing?

I clearly need to re-evaluate my paradigms here.

Hah, and I was reading a recent e-mail from an ex and feeling annoyed at all the unnecessary big words he was using.

Yay for new perspectives! Boo for eternal confusion!


Eve said...

First of all:

"In the past, men who can impress me with their insight, ambition, slight egomania, and involuntary use of big words have made me weak in the knees. If they don't challenge my brain and way of life, then I'm not interested."

...this and "sub boy" are not mutually exclusive. Come on now.

Second of all, don't worry about your compartmentalizing. Everyone does it to an extent. If it means you've bought into some stereotypes, SFW? It happens to be true that American males are on the whole more intellectually DEVELOPED than American females, just as XXs are probably more emotionally developed...merely because the status quo has reinforced those different expectations.

This says nothing about an individual's capabilities or capacities based on sex or gender, merely what's been kicked down from Anglo-Saxon and Victorian value standards over the past couple hundred years.

So chillax and like who you like. I mean, there's a reason I don't date blondes; it's a stupid reason, but sometimes I'm a stupid woman. :D

ShaneMo said...

Thank you!