Wednesday, September 26, 2007


"Greetings ffrom a Swedish dyke in Afghanistan!"-KC, reading a SPAM mail subject heading

"Well maybe we should try bellybutton fun and see what that would be like."-Elka, trying to seduce KC

"Would you quit drawing boobies on your notepad? We've got work to do!"-Elka, scolding KC

"I think it takes one year for the vagina to rejunify."-KC, an educated, professional adult, screwing up the word "rejuvenate"

"You look up Jewfro, and a picture of John Kerry comes up."-KC, conducting research on the Jewfro

"Is the baby an actor, or is she a prop?"-Elka, posing a valid question about the baby who plays Angelica

"You drink manly beer; that's all I'm saying."-KC, presenting evidence to prove Elka's level of gayness

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