Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I finally saw Juno. It wasn't as good as the hype, and I felt like Juno's character was a bit overdone. But it was sweet and had funny moments. And Ellen Page is SO cute. She's so tiny and adorable in hoodies. I'd even take her in flannel.


I am forcing myself to stop blogging for a week.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Episode 512: "Loyal and True"

I can't believe the season is over! Eight more episodes and then it's goodbye L Word and, more sadly, goodbye Kelka.

Opening Scene: Eh, I don't really remember it.

Helena: I think this season was better without her just because it was less crowded, and we could focus on more drama with the original characters. But I was happy to see her come back and help Kit and Lover Cindy.

Tina: I feel irritated that they're suddenly making Tina a champion of Jenny's writing.

TiBette: Hot. It's great that Tina is no longer the dependent housewife that she used to be. I don't think they should have more kids though; they're too busy.

Adele: They were so trying to show Adele as the villain when she pulled out a cigarette and had her face off with Tina. She certainly is a cuntface for trying to make the movie less gay.

Jodi: Humiliating Bette like that was a low blow. She has every right to be upset and passive aggressive, but that was very immature of her.

Phyllis: While she was mean to Shane, her attack had some valid points. The chances are that Shane will get bored and dump Molly anyways.

Molly: I liked how she handled Shane dumping her. She wasn't an indignant faucet like Carmen. She was strong, and she still had an understanding of where Shane was coming from.

Shane: While Shane might have been feeling shitty and stressed about Molly, I find it hard to believe that she would betray Jenny by fucking Nikki. Although Shane and Nikki are pretty hot together.

Alice: While I understand why Alice is feeling tired of reconciling her differences with Tasha, Tasha is ten times hotter than the other chick. I think Alice should try to work thinks out with Tasha. Just once more. If it doesn't work, then the right thing to do would be to break it off and then pursue the not-as-hot girl.

Jenny: In spite of some of the awful things she's done, I did feel bad for her. I'm not sure she and Shane could make it as a couple, but it could be interesting to explore next season.

They're clearly addressing the issue of fidelity more explicitly. Cheating has definitely been one of the themes of this series. I wonder how this will pan out next season. Sigh.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One Year

I watched the season finale. There's a lot to say, but I'll save it for tomorrow.

Today is the one year anniversary of my blog. I'm happy to have kept it up for this long. I love writing here, and I've learned a lot. Being the nerd that I am, I was hoping to celebrate by having some queer friends over to have some intellectual queer discussion. Hopefully something like that will happen in the near future.

In the meantime I am ironically falling like a bag of bricks for the cutest, smartest boy ever. How is THAT for an old man analogy? So much for being detached. I am quite sure that there is a lot of disappointment and heartbreak in the future, but I'm not going to be all Shane about it. Whatever happens, I can bear it.

Monday, March 24, 2008


  • I think there should be a universal code word system for everyone. There should be a code word if you're gay, straight, bi, etc. There should be a code word for what base you want to go to. There should be a code word for what fetishes or preferences you have. Maybe I'm taking the idea too far, but it could simplify things.
  • It still throws me off when straight women refer to their female friends as their "girlfriends."
  • A while ago a friend pointed out how it's sexist to say that someone with guts has balls and someone without guts is a pussy. It implies that vaginas are weak and passive and that balls have more power. If you ask me, boobs have more power than both of those body parts.
  • I watched Hard Candy. It was interesting, but it left me unsatisfied. Ellen Page is such a cutie though!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Black or White

Sigh. I hung out with my the friend of a dude I briefly dated. I will call him Bob. Things went very well. I'm feeling smitten. The way he talks makes me want to jump him. We like and respect each other. There is a chance that this could turn into a relationship. I was SO not expecting this.

I still compartmentalize. I immediately feel like if I enter a committed relationship with a boy, then I'll have less of a right to blog here, to listen to Kelka, to wear boyish clothes, to watch The L Word. Et cetera.

I need to get to a more fluid place where I just acknowledge all the parts of me and stop with the labeling bullshit.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tsk Tsk

I experienced a crazy coincidence last night.

But first, I have to say that dating boys is fun! And not because I'm a het, but because I'm a half-ass het. I'm straight enough to enjoy guys, but I'm not straight enough to take most of them too seriously. It's a gray area that I'm learning to just accept and enjoy. I've sorta been swimming in them in this past week. The depth of the interactions has varied, and I like that. I'm learning a lot about myself.

Friend: so are you hetero now?
Me: no, i just want to have fun and not get my heart broken
Me: and that means hang out w/ boys
Friend:: so....heterosexuality as a choice, then
Me: you could say that
Friend: well, boys are always good for fun
Friend: as long as they aren't boring
Me: well if they get boring, there are more
Friend: true

HOWEVER, there are exceptions to this; I don't feel like Shane re: all boys. For example, I happened to unintentionally meet a close friend of a guy I used to date. I had never met him before, but I had heard good things about him. And I now understand why.

We ended up talking for over two hours. He's my age, and he's ridiculously intelligent in so many worthwhile ways. We have some things in common, and he's also very cerebral and analytical like me. These are the types of guys that have flown by my defenses in the past. He and I might do something this weekend. It's still up in the air. Who knows what could happen. I feel very open and zen about it all.

I have yet to feel this way about girls. I feel all traditional and chivalrous about them, and I let my high expectations disappoint me. I can't imagine putting out within a week of meeting a girl. I'm like Charlotte from Sex and the City about girls, and I'm like Samantha (not THAT crazy and slutty though) about boys. Should I want to get to a point where I see them in similar ways?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Episode 511: "Lunarcycle"

Opening Scene: They re-enacted the table throwing scene! The L Word must listen to Kelka then! Since Kelka said that was their favorite scene a few years ago.

I liked watching everyone sit around and lounge at The Planet. And I also enjoyed their bickering. Why the hell was Max wearing flannel? Why can't he style it up just a bit? It was cute when when he whispered to Kit and said how he was glad to not have to put up with female moodiness anymore.

Kit: I love it when she freaks out. It's even better when she throws a table over. I happened to re-watch Jackie Brown this weekend. Pam Grier was one fine woman. She can be the epitome of cool. I wish this show didn't keep her character locked into such a small role.

Tina: Of course she starts to have some faith in Jenny's ability to direct. Right when Adele unleashes her powers. I also have to say that Sam looked damn fine while she was talking to Tina. I love her intelligent, laidback demeanor.

Adele: So she finally strikes. It was about fuckin' time. Her plot to become the director was no surprise.

Jenny: In a way, I do think Jenny deserves to be usurped. And she was stupid for not listening to Max re: Adele and for putting her faith in Nikki (a fickle 20 year old). I was starting to like her this season, but she has dome some repugnant things in the past two seasons. I'm not giggling with glee over her pain, but it does seem to be a bit karmic. However, I think in Jenny's case, experiences like these will only fuel her desire to be monstrous in the future.

Max: It was nice to see Jenny admit she was wrong to him.

Jodi: I feel a bit confused by this character. She was so cold in the beginning, and she wanted an open relationship. And now she was sobbing like a child. It was sad, and she had every right to be hurt and angry by Bette'e hypocrisy. But I'm unsure if this accurately represents her character. May Jodi is very emotionally guarded, so she likes to come across as emotionally unavailable in the beginning.

Shane: She's cute when she's stoned. I wonder if she and Jenny will hook up next episode.

Alice and Tasha: Yaay, more differences. Although they are two very different people who come from two very different backgrounds. As much as I'd like to see them, work, I have a feeling they'd be playing tug 'o war most of the time.

TiBette: I have to admit that it was nice to seem them reunited at the end with their daughter. Although it's annoying that they show Angelica only at times when they want to manipulate us into rooting for TiBette.

This episode wasn't as funny, but the drama was great. I am looking forward to next week's episode!

Monday, March 17, 2008

"I'll bet you need nigga repellant."

Friend: there was some cute woman hitting on me, and i was sooo not interested
Me: why not?
Friend: cause im not a lesbian lol
Me: but you're kinda bi'ish
Friend: meh kinda. but when i really like someone, i get chemically monogamous to them
Friend: so im kinda (name of female crush)-sexual
Me: awwww

Friend: have you ever seen a vagina up close?
Me: yeah...
Friend: they look really gross
Me: i don't think that
Me: you have one
Me: you think your own genitalia is gross?
Friend: yes well i dont mind my own
Me: lol
Friend: and im not my girlfriend
Friend: so it doesnt bother me
Me: lol
Me: you don't have to eat your own pussy
Friend: exactly
Me: pussies are kind of like an intriguing challenge
Friend: how so?
Me: making a girl happy is WAY more of an accomplishment than making a guy happy
Friend: oh. yesterday i got these long fake nails. now i can repell the lesbians, they wont hit on me
Me: you vagophobe
Me: with your anti vag nails
Friend: lol
Friend: my lesbian repellant

Friday, March 14, 2008

Comparmentalize Not

Well, I've been a crappy blogger lately. I'm just going to let this conversation speak for itself:

Me: i've been feeling kinda straight lately
Friend: ...
Me: lol yeah i guess that's not terribly interesting
Friend: my ellipses were because it continues to confound me that orientations strike you as moods or modes or phases
Friend: it's not been like that for me
Friend: when i'm around a female i like i don't feel more queer or more like a lesbian
Friend: actually it's more typical that i feel less like a lesbian
Friend: because i'm so conscious of the separateness most lesbians are into
Friend: not to mention straight girls
Me: hah
Me: interesting
Me: i dunno if the moods are always connected to my company
Friend: well, or your attraction
Friend: or your interests, or what you do for fun, or what podcasts you're listening to
Friend: a (lesbian) editor told me i "write like a dyke"
Friend: i'm still puzzling over that one
Friend: in conclusion bisexuality is confusing and sort of impossible sometimes
Me: lol
Me: write like a dyke??
Me: odd
Me: i sorta feel that way about my personality and manner of speaking
Me: so i suppose that could be translated to writing
Friend: yeah, i mean, it just strikes me as a case of you making things more difficult and rigidly structured than they have to be
Friend: certain clothes or foods or behaviors or ideas are queer, others are gay, others are straight, others are misc
Friend: imho they're all you
Friend: and they don't need to be sorted out as such
Friend: or if they do they should be signifiers of what makes you happy or doesn't
Friend: if identifying and analyzing them makes you happy then go nuts with it
Friend: i'm just saying it never did for me
Friend: it continues to make me terribly sad that i'm alienated by both lesbian and straight society
Friend: being alienated by hets i can deal with because ALL heterosexuals are by definition alienated
Friend: because they have different genitals and they can't figure out what to do with that difference
Friend: but when you come to know lesbians (i'm sure i'm preaching to the choir here)
Friend: you think it's going to be this cool, free-wheeling, hair-down celebration
Friend: and it's just as petty and backstabby and exclusionist as anything in straight culture
Friend: sad shit
Friend: the l word banks on this :P
Me: yes yes
Me: i hear you all the way
Me: the l word is crap
Me: i only watch it for the amusing characters, humor, and kelka
Friend: well it kind of does for lesbos what six feet under does for death
Friend: both deglamorizes it (good) and glamorizes it in a different direction (kinda not so good)
Me: yeah, that's a pretty good analogy
Friend: "FUCK THIS PARADIGM! (here's another one)"
Me: haha!
Me: you always give me good material at the right time
Me: when i have just crap or nothing
Me: i think my need to structure everything is a phase
Me: i'll probably see that it's too laborious and just go with the flow
Friend: i know you will

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Episode 510: "Lifecycle"

Opening Scene: Yaaay! They're finally doing something to acknowledge the fact that Dana is gone. I kinda wish they had done an episode like this last season.

Tina: Tina is funny when she's angry. I enjoyed watching her get irritated with Nikki and Jenny.

Shane and Molly: Molly chasing after Shane was a bit cheezy, but at least they had an honest conversation before their triumphant kiss. I was kinda surprised Shane said she didn't know if she had ever been in love. She claimed to love Cherie and Carmen. But I guess I could see how she'd be skeptical of those feelings after the fact. I doubt "Sholly" will last, but Molly is funny. Her personality is pretty similar to mine.

Tasha: Her laugh is so fucking lovable! Did they have to bring up the racial differences between Tasha and Alice? It seemed like it was dismissed, so I guess it's not a big deal. I hope Tasha finds a career she enjoys. While she deserves time to adjust and chill after being discharged from the military, it isn't healthy for her to be too consumed by being with Alice.

Jodi: If Jodi was an animal, she'd be a bird. A bird who gets the most food by virtue of her ginormous beak. They're SO trying to make her seem like the sweet, innocent victim. In the beginning she was an arrogant, child-hating commitment-phobe who liked to boss Bette around. Now she's hugging Tina. I'm with KC; I'm not falling for it.

Nikki: Why was she checking Shane out? I know that everyone checks Shane out (at least when she's clothed). But she supposedly is in love with Jenny. Although checking someone out is pretty harmless.

Nikki and Jenny: I have to admit that I love how giggly they are. But I doubt they'll last. Let's be serious here. Nikki is only 20. And she's probably bisexual. And Jenny can be pretty fickle too.

Kit: She might as well have her own cartoon short on the show.

Adele: WTF?

Alice: Alice's big mouth comes to the rescue! You know a show has run its course when its most lovable character gets annoying. Hopefully she'll get cute again in season 6.

Bette: Sigh. Poor destructive Bette. While she is a cheater, I do think she really just wants to work things out with Tina. She may have cheated on Tina, but I think Tina was even meaner back to her in season 3. And now they both just want to stop hurting each other.

This was another good episode. There was plenty of quality drama, humor, plot progression, and group dynamics.

Monday, March 10, 2008

It's Like a Ritual

KC: They give you fans at church?
Elka: Yeah and they always are like really cheap and homemade like that. And they have like Jesus on one side. And scripture on the other.
KC: I want one! You could hit people with it and then it'd be like Jesus was smackin' you on the ass!"

"I like to rock it old man stye."-Elka, being dorky and strange

"He has one Fat Albert lip, and the rest of him is so freakin' white."-KC, assessing the deriviatives of Zach Braff's odd looks. I personally think it's his cute personality that makes him attractive.

"You buy it at Freddy"-Elka, referring to Tom's frighteningly short shorts

"What's The Godfather music? How's it go? Dum dum dum that's Star Wars."-KC, demonstrating how tone-challenged she is.

"What the fuck was that? That was like the music to Donkey Kong!"-KC, mocking Elka's tone deafness--they make a good match.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth

I was trying to explain the Kelkaverse to a straight friend the other day. She was sort of beginning to get it. But I've noticed it's hard to describe without sounding like a lame-ass nerd. I fully embrace my nerdiness, but I still feel strange when I try to convey the awesomeness of the Kelkian Army to someone. We essentially are a podcasting/blogging/internet discussion board community.

Dot. Dot. Dot.


I'm sure I've said this before, but it's odd to have such strong feelings about such a community. The technology enables us to connect.

Hmm, this post didn't have as much of a point to it as I thought it would. As Kurt Cobain sang, "Oh well, whatever, nevermind."

I will end by posting a link to this lovely little gem.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Inquring Mind

I tend to ask a lot of questions on this blog. Some are easier to answer than others. Some require research that I don't always have time for. Nevertheless, I'm feeling a bit analytical today, so I'm going to try to answer some that I've posed:

It's amazing how much they [FTM's] can change their bodies by taking testosterone. At the same time, I wonder if hormones are all that gender really is. It's kind of creepy that the physical expression of an entire gender identity can be distilled into a bottle of hormones. It sort of diminishes the weight that a gender identity can hold.

Hormones constitute a large part of one's gender; however, the way males and females are socialized is the result of a variety of cultural influences. It's also about how one feels inside. Defining "maleness" and "femaleness" may be challenging and subjective, but there is more to gender than just physical appearance and anatomy. If gender was just about outside appearances, then transgendered individuals wouldn't feel a mismatch with their bodies in the first place.

I've put on a few pounds in the past month or so. This makes me feel more like a woman. But isn't that ironic since thinness is more of a female preoccupation?

Yes and no. There is more pressure for women to stay thin, but women have hips. Men typically find curves to be attractive, and hips represent fertility. For these reasons, staying super thin inhibits one's femininity in my worldview.

I get compliments on my voice. From queer people. My voice is queer-dar. It's not super deep, but it's not high either. I feel like the way I talk is one of the biggest indicators that I'm gay. Is it bad that I know how to manipulate it for different audiences?

Not necessarily. We all have to tailor how we present ourselves to different people. It can be intentional or unintentional. I don't intentionally lie to anyone to mislead or manipulate them.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Full Plate

Today is a busy day, and I wish I had time to write the way I want to.

A friend showed me this, and I thought it was interesting.

The weekend is getting closer. Let us praise the bloody ass of Jesus.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Me: i could easily do without the balls
Friend: LOL! a penis without the balls?
Friend: thats...interesting
Me: would it really be that weird?
Friend: well, maybe you can find a boyfriend that had testicular cancer once and had to have both his balls removed
Friend: perfect match?
Me: i've been asking everyone their opinion on this
Me: every so often i find a topic to survey on
Friend: haha
Friend: i guess it makes for an interesting discussion
Me: what do you think of kirsten dunst?
Friend: shes ooglay. why?
Me: i think she's hideous
Friend: good
Me: but a lot of guys don't
Me: so i've kept tabs on all the guys i know and their opinions of them
Friend: what about lesbians?
Me: i should ask lesbians
Me: i started the survey like four years ago
Me: when i thought i was straight
Friend: what a lesbianish survey for a straight girl
Me: lol!
Me: i didn't even think of that
Friend: lol
Friend: well i dont think straight girls would conduct a survey like that
Me: well... straight girls assess other girls' looks
Friend: hm, true
Friend: but not in a sexual way
Friend: she annoys me
Friend: especially her character in spiderman
Me: i know!!
Me: she's an awful actor
Friend: i agree
Me: i remember watching spiderman 2
Me: and flinching every time i saw her face
Me: i pick good gross conversation topics
Me: e.g. the aesthetics of testicles and kirsten dunst

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Episode 509: "Liquid Heat"

Great episode!

Opening Scene: Buh? Where did they get an idea of a dude getting an Elmo tattoo on his ass??

Nikki: She fucked a dude. Surprise surprise. I didn't really want to see "Jim's" ass like that. That scene seemed sadistic; they wanted us to feel grossed out with a guy simulating sex with a (supposedly) gay girl. At least that's how I felt. I love how Jenny tried to make it sound unappealing for Nikki.

Bette: I love her skin tone. Jennifer Beals did a great job with displaying her emotions in that scene with Jodi. I can barely watch them kiss; it's so forced and awkward.

Max: He looked SO hot this episode. Oh my goodness! His hair, his eyes, his shirt, his absent sole patch. YUM-MY! And his voice wasn't as annoying. He and Tom seem to work pretty well together, regardless of where Max took it.

Alice: I kind of wanted to smack her as she "apologized" to Max on her podcast. I was ready to forgive her and feel like she was redeeming herself, but she just had to go and sound so insincere. It was amusing, however, when she said she was "familiar with" Phyllis when she met Phyllis's daughter.

Shane: I didn't like that huge shirt she was wearing. Shane is 30, and she was acting like an adolescent by letting the camera wander like that. It's not like she hasn't seen boobs before. It's mildly amusing, but it's also kinda lame.

TiBette: Of course they get trapped in an elevator together. Although I liked their conversation: it was pretty honest and productive. Oh, yeah, and their getting it on was super hot. Who knew it could be hot to watch women that age make out.

Tasha: She was just gorgeous with that hair, and she's the only reason why I'm finding Alice tolerable: their cuteness together is hard to contain. I liked the simplicity of the scene where she was trying to get used to not having anything to do at 6. They could have done something like that with Dana had she survived and lost her ability to play tennis. But hey, I'm not bitter.

Molly: Just because she doesn't like her lame boyfriend doesn't mean she's a dyke. I think she just doesn't want to be trapped by her mother's snobbishness, so she rebelled by having sex with Shane. And I don't think Shane is "easy and simple." Shane is a conqueror; once she bags you, she gets bored. Her interest in you is only proportional to how much of a challenge you put her up to.

The She-Bar vs. Planet Sit Down: The mobster parody was cute. "Double D" needs to accept the fact that her Lover wants Shane. It was great to see all of them together and being their awesome selves (e.g. Bette taking charge, Jenny being simultaneously cute and offensive). I loved Bette taking charge, Jenny being her hilarious self. It was funny when Alice dramatically whispered "podcast" as part of the deal sealer. It was also annoying; Ilene better know about Kelka and how they have saved her show.

The Sex Montage: It's nice that all the characters are getting laid...and at the same time apparently. That music was lame though. Everything is perfect? Nuh uh.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Wish List

My birthday isn't for another few months. But I've sorta been not looking forward to adding another year to my age. So I'm going to attempt to comfort myself with a homo-rrific wish list:

-A Planet/Kelka T-Shirt! It's just another way to express my undying love for them.

-Pretty much any sort of automatic apparel.

I should probably figure out what sizes I would be.

The second part of my wish list (clearly) has one prerequisite; pigs must be able to defy gravity and fly:

-A free trip to Albuquerque pride in June.

-It'd also be pretty sweet if Khaela Maricich (singer/songwriter for The Blow) would personally write and sing an insightful, poetic song just for me.

-Natalie Portman wearing just eyeliner and boy hair.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I acknowledge the fact that my dignity on the blogosphere is decreasing slightly with posts like these. But Kelka's most recent podcast (508) made me feel really grossed out with male genitalia. I too did not know that the balls dropped at a certain age.

Just the thought of it makes me feel uncomfortable. Just saying or thinking "balls" grosses me out. And I don't think any word won't make me feel disgusted because the problem isn't the word; the problem is what the word signifies. It's a lose-lose situation.

I then happened to have a brief conversation about this topic with my bi friend (who told me she wants to be referred to as "Loretta" on my blog). Loretta said that, as a bisexual, I should like that part of the male anatomy.

I am going to say that I COMPLETELY disagree. I've known several straight and bi girls who also have expressed their distaste with this odd-looking part of a guy's body. I even had one very straight friend of mine tell me that she thought the wang was like a weird-looking alien that points out at you. And, as another friend pointed out, not all women like uncircumcised penises. A certain sexuality doesn't guarantee universal acceptance.

I think there's more to one's orientation than JUST liking a certain set of loins. It's also about liking "maleness" and/or "femaleness." I wish I knew how to articulate it beyond that. But I will say that one does not need to interact with a man's package in its entirety to appreciate and enjoy his "maleness." Or to be bi/straight.

Thank goodness.