Monday, March 10, 2008

It's Like a Ritual

KC: They give you fans at church?
Elka: Yeah and they always are like really cheap and homemade like that. And they have like Jesus on one side. And scripture on the other.
KC: I want one! You could hit people with it and then it'd be like Jesus was smackin' you on the ass!"

"I like to rock it old man stye."-Elka, being dorky and strange

"He has one Fat Albert lip, and the rest of him is so freakin' white."-KC, assessing the deriviatives of Zach Braff's odd looks. I personally think it's his cute personality that makes him attractive.

"You buy it at Freddy"-Elka, referring to Tom's frighteningly short shorts

"What's The Godfather music? How's it go? Dum dum dum that's Star Wars."-KC, demonstrating how tone-challenged she is.

"What the fuck was that? That was like the music to Donkey Kong!"-KC, mocking Elka's tone deafness--they make a good match.

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