Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Episode 509: "Liquid Heat"

Great episode!

Opening Scene: Buh? Where did they get an idea of a dude getting an Elmo tattoo on his ass??

Nikki: She fucked a dude. Surprise surprise. I didn't really want to see "Jim's" ass like that. That scene seemed sadistic; they wanted us to feel grossed out with a guy simulating sex with a (supposedly) gay girl. At least that's how I felt. I love how Jenny tried to make it sound unappealing for Nikki.

Bette: I love her skin tone. Jennifer Beals did a great job with displaying her emotions in that scene with Jodi. I can barely watch them kiss; it's so forced and awkward.

Max: He looked SO hot this episode. Oh my goodness! His hair, his eyes, his shirt, his absent sole patch. YUM-MY! And his voice wasn't as annoying. He and Tom seem to work pretty well together, regardless of where Max took it.

Alice: I kind of wanted to smack her as she "apologized" to Max on her podcast. I was ready to forgive her and feel like she was redeeming herself, but she just had to go and sound so insincere. It was amusing, however, when she said she was "familiar with" Phyllis when she met Phyllis's daughter.

Shane: I didn't like that huge shirt she was wearing. Shane is 30, and she was acting like an adolescent by letting the camera wander like that. It's not like she hasn't seen boobs before. It's mildly amusing, but it's also kinda lame.

TiBette: Of course they get trapped in an elevator together. Although I liked their conversation: it was pretty honest and productive. Oh, yeah, and their getting it on was super hot. Who knew it could be hot to watch women that age make out.

Tasha: She was just gorgeous with that hair, and she's the only reason why I'm finding Alice tolerable: their cuteness together is hard to contain. I liked the simplicity of the scene where she was trying to get used to not having anything to do at 6. They could have done something like that with Dana had she survived and lost her ability to play tennis. But hey, I'm not bitter.

Molly: Just because she doesn't like her lame boyfriend doesn't mean she's a dyke. I think she just doesn't want to be trapped by her mother's snobbishness, so she rebelled by having sex with Shane. And I don't think Shane is "easy and simple." Shane is a conqueror; once she bags you, she gets bored. Her interest in you is only proportional to how much of a challenge you put her up to.

The She-Bar vs. Planet Sit Down: The mobster parody was cute. "Double D" needs to accept the fact that her Lover wants Shane. It was great to see all of them together and being their awesome selves (e.g. Bette taking charge, Jenny being simultaneously cute and offensive). I loved Bette taking charge, Jenny being her hilarious self. It was funny when Alice dramatically whispered "podcast" as part of the deal sealer. It was also annoying; Ilene better know about Kelka and how they have saved her show.

The Sex Montage: It's nice that all the characters are getting laid...and at the same time apparently. That music was lame though. Everything is perfect? Nuh uh.

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