Monday, March 3, 2008

Wish List

My birthday isn't for another few months. But I've sorta been not looking forward to adding another year to my age. So I'm going to attempt to comfort myself with a homo-rrific wish list:

-A Planet/Kelka T-Shirt! It's just another way to express my undying love for them.

-Pretty much any sort of automatic apparel.

I should probably figure out what sizes I would be.

The second part of my wish list (clearly) has one prerequisite; pigs must be able to defy gravity and fly:

-A free trip to Albuquerque pride in June.

-It'd also be pretty sweet if Khaela Maricich (singer/songwriter for The Blow) would personally write and sing an insightful, poetic song just for me.

-Natalie Portman wearing just eyeliner and boy hair.


♀ L's brain ♀ said...

Natalie Portman ! YUUUM

your 'homo-rific' wish-list is adorable!

ShaneMo said...

YUUUM indeed.


Catalyst of fire said...

I love The Blow!!!! ;) Sweet taste!

ShaneMo said...

Thanks! I think The Blow illustrates good songwriting.