Saturday, July 7, 2007

Back to Kelka

The Planet Podcast, Episode 403: Lassoed

Kelka are drunk, and it's GREAT. They're discussing the scene in which Max tells a ridiculous lie to avoid going in the pool. KC pulls a "Marco Polo" on Elka and makes a hilarious observation:

KC: Why didn't he just get in the pool?
Elka: Because he has boobs!
KC: I don't understand. Why didn't he just get in the pool?
Elka: [briefly pauses, takes in some air] Because he's a dude, and dudes don't usually fill out a bikini.
KC: You think he's wearing a bikini.
Elka: [irritated] No, I think his breasts are bound.
KC: [cackles]
Elka: [shouting, realizing she's been played] WOULD YOU STOP DOING THIS TO ME!?

KC: Okay, the whole show was awesome, except for this one line that they miswrote. And maybe they didn't miswrite it; maybe Max, or Daniela, is just used to playing Max. But he goes, "I have an ear condition; you know what I mean?" NO, I don't know what you mean? An ear condition?? [laughs]
Elka: "I have this ear problem, you know." Noo, I don't know! What is this ear problem of which you speak?
KC: And what does this make you swat my hand away when I try to unbutton your shirt. [imitates and exaggerates Max's feelings in a self-righteous, defiant tone] "I have an ear condition!!"
Elka: "Don't touch my nipples! My ear my get infected!"

I think Daniela Sea is hot. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her dance in a suit at the end of episode 304. But the second she opens her mouth, she ruins it. She's not an actor, and she was clearly picked because she looks the part and because she's dating Bitch. She needs to stop saying "you know" at the end of all her sentences.

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