Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Praise the Army

SloGreenX, Group Sex 4

Kelka are guest podcasting on SloGreenX's show. Slo and Green are interviewing Kelka, and they start talking about embarrassing drunk stories. Elka explains how KC makes a fool of herself while inebriated:

Elka: Basically, like, she gets an attitude with authority figures for NO reason.
Green: That's great.
KC: Yeah, I like to tell cops to fuck off when I'm drunk.
Elka: When they're not even looking at her.
Everyone: [laughing]
Elka: The guy is just sittin' there...
Slo: And you guys drive by or walk by...
KC: Yes, and yell
Slo: She's like, "You fuckin' pig!" [giggles] I can see that.

I'd love to watch a woman in her late twenties/early 30's go up to some random cop and make an ass of herself.

Also, here are my answers to the "Pick a Fuck" questions:

Kit or the Manny: Manny, but if Pam Grier was 25, then I'd pick her
Helena or Cherie: Helena
Jenny or Dana: I hate Jenny, but I'd still rather do her .
Uta or Gabby: Uta
Mark or Tim: Mark, definitely. He's yummy.
Marina or Carmen: Carmen
Alice or Lara: This is TOUGH, but I'd say Alice.
Ivan or Billy: Billy.
Lisa or Boira: In spite of all of Max's flaws and Daniela Sea's shortcomings, I still think she's hot, so I pick Boira.
Octopushead or ezgirl: ezgirl. Octopus head would crush me.
Bette or Shane: They're both equally hot in different ways. Probably Bette.
Joyce or Charlotte: Ugh. Charlotte.
Hot UPS Girl or Hot French Girl: Hot UPS Girl
Green or Slo: Both! Er, I mean, "Nipple cupcakes!"


Des said...

kelka + slogreenx = hilarious awesomeness!

ShaneMo said...


perfectcrazy said...

I second that statement! I'm ready for a new pod from them though.

ShaneMo said...

Hi Perfectcrazy,


You can never have enough Kelka or SloGreenX