Thursday, January 3, 2008


I was thinking about all of the things I don't really believe in: God, reincarnation, perfectionism, karma, etc. As I get older, the list of things I believe in gets shorter.

But I sure as hell believe in KC and Elka's ability to make me laugh this year. Although I guess it doesn't take a huge leap of faith to believe that.

I appear to have a lot of faith in them:
  • I quote them the way one might quote any religious book.
  • I have a tag/label on my blog that says "praise Kelka."
  • I've been listening to them almost everyday for the past 1.5 years.
  • I don't even know what they look like! I can only read or hear them.
  • I overlook some of contradictions in things they say out of unconditional love for them.
  • I get giddy and jump up and down when they post a new podcast.
  • I gushed when I read the holiday card I got from them last year (I guess I'm not THAT devoted since I forgot to send one in this year).
  • I look up to them for being so out.
Hmmm. I'm not sure if this makes me pathetic. At least I know they aren't omnipotent, omnipresent, invincible, and all those other ridiculous hyperboles that some attach to those they worship.

I guess I believe in the power of humor. If you can't laugh at the deterioration of what was an awesome TV show, then you might as well not watch it because you won't enjoy it. If you can't laugh at the sick joke that is existence, then you might as well not live it anymore because you won't enjoy it either.

[Insert star rainbow here]*The More You Know*

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