There's a reality show on MTV in which young women compete to be Paris's BFF. (I always get exposed to the worst of television while babysitting. And, sadly, I don't tell these adolescent girls to change the channel and get sucked in with them). Luckily, the girls and I were making fun of how ridiculous it was.
But it seriously was a car crash moment. I do understand catching a bit of the celebrity worship bug, and I'm guilty of it on occasion. But to watch girls my age and a few years younger get all catty and emotional over wanting to be best friends with a public persona whom they really know very little about is, well, a little disturbing and kinda sad.
But who knows. Paris Hilton could be ridiculously intelligent and talented. Kate Moennig could be a high maintenance cuntface. I'm not going to reduce these people to what they show to the camera.
I'm a little confused as to why this woman elicits such a strong reaction from people, particlarly women. Love or hate it seems. I can see how she could be considered attractive, but she's scrawny and often looks like she just got off a porn set.
Is it jealousy? Thin, Euro-lookin' chick with lotsa money? It's not like she earned that money. Or her looks. I don't see much worthy of respect here.I'm not sure what my point here is. I guess my inner feminist wants young women to aspire to something more than a spoiled party girl, even if she might be more than meets the eye.
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