Monday, May 28, 2007

I Don't Like to Make the Choice

I have a few random, somewhat queer-related thoughts:
  • Panty shopping is fun. It's not really very practical, but it's gratifying to find different panties that reflect my fluctuating moods and gender identities. While it's nice to have someone to show them to (and to have take off), it's also fun to be the only one who sees them. I can express myself in a small way without feeling judged.
  • I'm in a bit of Kelka withdrawal.
  • I've come to the conclusion that I've been thinking a bit too much about my own sexuality and gender identity. It's great that I'm being contemplative, but I also need to practic going with the flow, doing whatever I feel, and being okay with that.
  • I think I'm one of those bisexuals who is gay for a while and then straight for a while. Perhaps it's because it's less overwhelming that way.
  • The breeders really should be thanking the homos for helping to keep the population in check through nonviolent means. If heterosexuals would be more selective and less rampant about reproducing, then maybe there wouldn't be as many homosexuals. I shall do some more formal research on the topic.

1 comment:

AKH said...

I can't wait to hear about the more formal research.