Thursday, May 17, 2007

Oh...Phyllis, How I Love Thee

The Planet Podcast, Episode 404: Layup

Elka [sarcastic]: Alice never gets too attached to the women she dates.
KC: No, I don't think she's going to get too attached, but I think she's going to see some trouble.
Elka: You know Alice is. Look how she was with Gabby, look how she was with Dana. Alice gets obsessed with the women she dates; she can't help herself.
KC: Not this one.
Elka: I think Alice is gonna fall.
KC: Nuh uh...for Phyllis? Her name's Phyllis. Phyllis and Alice?
Elka: Phallice!

That was too good. And seriously, can you imagine seductively whispering the name "Phyllis" in bed? Can you imagine seductively whispering the name "Dragomir" in bed?

1 comment:

AKH said...

LOL Phalice LOL That was a classic.