Thursday, November 27, 2008

So Fuckin' Lucky

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I've had tons of surprising and significant experiences this year. And I hope I've done these experiences justice by learning what I can from them.

There is too much to be grateful for. I seriously am one lucky bitch. So here's a list (in no particular order) of what I'm (perhaps overly) grateful for:

My mind's ability to be resilient, receptive, and ridiculous (can you tell I like alliterations?).

My beautiful, brilliant friends who provide me with laughter, insight, and emotional support.

My helpful family.

My body.

Conversations that effortlessly last for several hours.

Our sane, sexy, and smart President-elect.

Funny people who crack me up and happen to be queer (Kelka, Dan Savage, Wanda Sykes, Riese, Portia on Arrested Development, Ellen and her dorky-ass style of dancing).

Funny people, regardless of their orientation.

TV on DVD.

Six Feet Under.

Good food and good wine.

The few people who have vicious things to and/or about me (who else can help you to grow a thicker skin or to improve yourself?)

Those moments when I'm driving and one of my favorite songs comes on the radio.

Those moments when a friend says exactly what I was thinking.

The fact that I don't walk around carrying a complex about any facet of my identity anymore.

The fact that I got to "know" KC and Elka via their much-needed, laugh-till-it-hurts podcasts.

The fact that season 5 of The L Word didn't suck.

I think I'll stop there. Happy Thanksgiving!

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