Sunday, February 24, 2008

Episode 508: "Lay Down the Law"

It is quite possible that there are only four episodes of The L Word left..ever! AHHHH!

People need to stop saying "podcast " on this show. It's so irritating! They're trying too hard to be hip.

Are they insinuating that there is a closeted actress on the show? If it's Katherine Moennig, um, big shocker. I'm going to hope it's Mia Kirshner.

Opening Scene: Yawn.

TiBette: You know they're just drawing out the whole process of them getting back together. Tina's hair is a lot better than Bette's though. As Tina, I would withhold sex until Bette fixed that. But Jennifer Beals's (smokin') post-pregnancy body beats Laurel Holloman's. So I guess they're even.

Jodi: I actually liked how Jodi stood up to Bette in this episode. Although her party of ex's wasn't the greatest idea.

Shane: She was so cute and funny! She really has mastered the art of being funny while getting walked in on; it's probably happened to her so many times. She ALMOST had a boob on her head again. But I do think Shane's interest in Molly is solely based on the fact that she needs a challenge to be interested in someone for more than a few hours.

Molly: Her name doesn't fit her personality at all. But, uh, she's kind of hot. I wouldn't date her. But her dry bitchiness reminds me Hah, I'm no narcissist. I wonder if she'll give into Shane eventually. I could sort of see them working because Shane is very prone to boredom, and Molly has personality.

Phyllis: Why the hell did she put on her sunglasses indoors where her daughter knew she already was sitting? The silly stupidity of that made me laugh.

Adele: She was looking good. I'm curious to know that actress's ethnicity. But I'm not curious enough to look it up. Her target appears to be Jenny. Does she want to be Jenny? Does she want Jenny to be heartbroken? Does she want to replace Jenny as director?

Alice: Normally I would be applauding her sassyness in the courtroom, but I'm just not feeling the Alice love this season. And no good lawyer would have allowed her to rant like that. C'mon. I have watched a LOT of crime dramas ( The Practice, CSI, Law and Order SVU, etc) to know that.

Tasha: I'm glad there was a happy ending, I find it hard to believe that she would just change her mind so quickly like that. They didn't really show her experience an epiphany; she just suddenly decided to throw away her military career even though she was aware of its bigoted hypocrisy all along. Oh well. As if realism is a goal for this show.

Max and Helena: Where were they? I almost forgot about them. But, with this show, I think it's better to leave a character out of an episode than to give them a few minutes of shitty coverage.


Suzanna said...

Bette's hair... no words. I'm glad you agree.

My roommate (whose letter was read on the latest podcast, by the way) thinks that Adele looks Uzbek. It could be because my roommate is Uzbek. : )

ShaneMo said...

OMG the whole thing with your roommate and you battling on the podcast is hilarious!!

I think Adele is half Filipino and half white.