Thursday, February 7, 2008


Last night I was flipping through the channels searching for a good crime drama to unwind to (SVU or CSI, preferably). But none were on. I ended up finding a special called Born in the Wrong Body. It was about three FTM's who were about to get bottom surgery.

I was multi-tasking as I watched, but I believe the states they were in wouldn't allow them to legally change their genders to male until they got their genitals changed. I think that's lame: anatomy shouldn't determine gender identity.

Their surgeries, interestingly enough, were performed by a lesbian MTF. And apparently Trinidad, Colorado is a sex change surgery hub.

These MTF's had already transitioned socially, emotionally, and physically. They were all in relationships with women. In the end, they seemed happy with the procedures. One of the three couples ended up getting married. It was then that I felt slightly irritated. If you're a woman who wants to marry a woman, you can do so if you take testoserone, cut your boobs off, and get a surgery to make your genitals to oppose your wife's?

I support the trannies, but that's a bit unfair to me. But it's not really surprising.

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