Wednesday, February 6, 2008


People have been talking about whether or not single, gay friends can stay friends. I'm going to go ahead and say that they can. It's not always inevitable that one person will yawn and put their arm around the other. While I definitely think friendship can make the best brand of foreplay (whether it's intentional or not), being friends with someone doesn't guarantee that the right elements for a romantic relationship/physical interaction are there.

But, when you're friends with someone, your guard is down, you can be yourself, and you have more of an opportunity to get to know the person without the pressure of worrying about if they like you. And sometimes, the more you learn about someone, the more you grow to love them even if you didn't feel an initial spark towards them. I guess it just depends on the situation.

But just because two people can hook up doesn't mean that they should hook up. I have a handful of attractive gay/bi friends whom I have no intention of seeing naked. We just wouldn't be able to transition into that sort of an interaction.

It's kind of funny because, a few weeks ago, I was telling one of my closest friends that I should put more efforts into getting laid. And, unexpectedly, she offered, "I'd fuck you! But that'd be weird, and I value our friendship too much." I agree with her: it would be weird in an "omigod-I'm-screwing-my-sister" sort of way.

Moral of the story: Shane and Jenny should not hook up.

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