Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Women aren't his type."

  • I was reminsicing about The Simpsons with a friend, and she pointed out that Smithers's crush on Mr. Burns was probably her first exposure to gayness via television. It was probably mine too. And what an odd first exposure it was.
  • I saw The Manny on Law and Order SVU; he played a man in a gay relationship who also raped women. He had a hot boyfriend, but he was still ashamed. His character seemed to have a complex over how women aren't attracted to him. But it seemed like the real issue was that he just didn't like women, but he couldn't accept it. It was interesting. SVU usually does a good job of incorporating gay issues into the storylines without being cliche.
  • I've noticed that there are a few actors (e.g. Collin Farrel, Bobby Cannavale, Dallas Roberts, etc.) who have played gay roles on more than one occasion. Is it because they themselves are gay? Or because they can act gay? Or because they care about acting in diverse roles? Or do they just take whatever work comes their way?


Brian Roberts said...

My brother is Dallas Roberts and I can tell you for a fact that he is not gay. He is in a committed relationship with two young sons.

He is, however, very good at playing gay roles. He has, of course, played many roles, but was noticed for his outstanding performance in "Burn This" and was then cast in "A Home At The End Of The World" and the "SVU" episode that you refer to, and last year's "Joshua". These roles weren't intentional, but were just the natural evolution of his career. He's currently working on a movie with John Cusack where he plays a serial killer. Let's hope no one assumes that he also kills people now. :)

ShaneMo said...


Wow, the brother of an actor reads and comments on my blog. Cool.

Yeah, I knew Dallas Roberts was married and a father.

Although I always like to keep a small, healthy dose of skepticism about everyone's orientation.

I'll take your word on this one though. Thanks for commenting!