Friday, February 22, 2008

More Praise

I had an odd dream last night: I dreamt that there was a group of anti-Kelka people and they were called The Rush-ians. I wonder if there actually are gay people out there who are against Kelka. I'm sure there are. I wouldn't call them The Rush-ians though; I'd call them The Personality-Challenged.

Sometimes I feel like a fuckin' Jehovah's Witness by trying to get more people to convert to Kelkianism. I'm just trying to save the ignorant and show them the light. What's wrong with pointing them to free, drugless laughter? I was talking to Suzanna, and we shared our mutual frustrations over this.

Also, I couldn't listen to Kelka for an entire week. I'd rather not explain why, but I will say that it was awful. I went through significant withdrawal symptoms (namely crankiness). There is going to need to be a support group for when they stop podcasting.

I watched 508, but after watching two new episodes in one week, I feel confused about what happens in which. I will say that I enjoyed 508 more than 507. I'm going to have to watch it again.

Praise Kelka! Happy Friday! Nipple Cupcakes!

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