Friday, June 29, 2007


  • I just realized that I've been listening to Kelka almost every day since August. I'm guessing that the longest I've went without listening to them is maybe three days. I wonder what would happen if I renounced myself from anything Kelkian for a whole week. Maybe I'd turn straight? Maybe I'd suffer severe withdrawal symptoms. Or maybe the podcasts would be just as funny as they were when I first heard them.
  • I'm making attempts to befriend my ex. I tested out how I feel by looking at flattering pictures of him. I still think he's pretty, but I'm sure that I don't want him back. I just miss his brain and talking to him. He is open to this idea, so we'll see where it goes. I've never done the "stay friends" thing before, so I want to give it a try, test my limits, and hopefully learn something about myself.
  • I really want to see "Itty Bitty Titty Committee." I couldn't find theatres that showed it when it came out. The trailer and the cast look hot, and Carly Pope is in it!!


Des said...

- i usually can't go three days without kelka either... its an addiction and i think we should have some sort of club so that we can deal with it... you know, like one with twelve steps or something
- i'm friends, in an awkward way, with one of my exes but i think that's just because we've been friends since 4th grade so we feel obligated to keep it going

- yes! itty bitty titty committee! i wanna see it too but it didn't release anywhere near me so i'm waitin on it too.

AKH said...

Wow, I don't even feel like a fan since I haven't listened since their last podcast. However I feel like I'm listening and reliving it all when I read your blog. I hope that counts. I'll just have to add that to the list of marathons that I need to partake in once I get myself settled.

Good luck with the ex. I've never done the stay friends thing either, but its mostly because of the long distance thing. I know you'll keep us all filled in on what you can learn from such an experience.

AKH said...

OK Since we do have alot of tv show obsessions in common, I thought I'd ask you want you feel about these (just because I own them all on DVD)

1. The Golden Girls
2. The Gilmore Girls

ShaneMo said...


GASP! You haven't listened to their last podcast?! It's SOOO funny!! I seriously couldn't even try to not laugh out loud like a maniac when I was riding the train or walking to work.

I've never seen "Golden Girls," but someone told me I should when I told them about my new obsession with "Sex and the City.". I love "Gilmore Girls," but I'm REALLY behind. I haven't seen the last two seasons. I really need to. I'm for Lorelai and Luke being together. And a part of me wants Rory and Jess to somehow work it out. But I like the blonde guy Rory dates too...super hot.

ShaneMo said...


Someone told me it's still playing the festivals and that the info is here.

AKH said...


I listened to their last podcast, but I haven't replayed them since then. So I haven't listened to their podcast in a couple of months.

Well if you ever want to have a Golden Girls and/or Gilmore Girls marathon, let me know.