Sunday, June 24, 2007

Loud and Proud, Motherfuckers

So I went to the Pride Parade. It was very crowded. My second favorite part was watching all the hot gay guys dance in scantily clad "outfits" And by "outfits," I mean "panties."

My favorite part of it all was being surrounded by queers and non-homophobes. It was very theraputic.

All the loud music and screaming gave me headache though. And inching back to the el while having my personal bubble get popped by a plethora of bodies wasn't fun.

But I'm so glad I went.

1 comment:

AKH said...

I went to the parade as well. There were alot of people there, but we found a good spot right across the street from the Gap. I'm glad I got on the train at the Belmont stop as opposed to Addison because at least I got a seat.

I had a headache and ended up sleeping the rest of the day but I think it was from too much sun as opposed to too much loud music and scantily clad hot gay men. :)