Monday, June 4, 2007

Michael Landon?

The Planet Podcast: OrcaDome Off-Season Podcast

Kelka are discussing things that they say while asleep:

Elka: We were camping. So we're in the tent, KC's asleep, all of a sudden, clear as day, she's like "Michael Landon."
KC: [laughs] [embarrassed] Oh, shit! Wait, I just said Michael Landon not with any emotional...
Elka: There's nothing else! It wasn't part of senten...[laughs] It wasn't part of a sentence. You weren't weren't distressed; you were just laying there,...
KC: Let me explain!
Elka: ...easily sleeping, and then outta nowhere, "Michael Landon."
KC: Pleease, allow me to explain this.
Elka: Please explain this, because there is no..
KC: You know the explanation, sort of. Well, first of all, my explanation of this is that I'm secretly in love with Mr. Engles.
Elka: [laughs]
KC: Apparently my life has been kind of affected by "Little House on the Prairie."

KC then went on to explain that Michael Landon is the father figure in her dreams because his character was sweet and kin on "Little House on the Prairie."

KC: Yeah, it's him from "Little House on the Prairie" transported to now. Well not [laughs] modern day.
Elka: And you think somehow that this is normal and acceptable for you to have frequent and recurring dreams about Michael Landon?
KC: I wouldn't say frequent. Well it's weird that I would say, "Michael Landon"...
Elka: I know!
KC:....out loud. Maybe I was surprised to see him. Like, "Oh my god! Michael Landon! What the hell are you doin' on this boat?"
Elka: And at that moment, I'm like in a tent in the middle of nowhere, and I'm like, "This is pure comic gold!"
KC: I think I woke up!
Elka: I woke you up cus I was laughing so hard!
KC: Yeah, cus you're like, "What the fuck?! You're talkin' about Michael Landon!" I was like, "He's my dad."
Elka: And at first you tried to deny it!
KC: [laughs]
Elka: And I was like, "No, there's nothing that rhymes with "Michael Landon" that I could have mistaken this for.
KC: Maybe I said "Teena Brandon."
Elka: Oh, that's better, somehow.

Perhaps I should admit that I have had a few dreams in which the father figure is Stephen Collins from "7th Heaven."


AKH said...

Could you imagine lying in a tent in the middle of no where in the dead of night and someone yelling out Michael Landon. I would've busted out laughing too. LOL

ShaneMo said...