Friday, June 15, 2007

A (Sex) Dream Come True

So apparently, in 1994, the Air Force considered developing a non-lethal "love bomb" that would make enemy troops want to fuck each other instead of fight.

Oh my. A bomb to turn people gay. My mind is going to explode. This idea is hilarious, ridiculous, brilliant, and fantastical.

They obviously didn't invest in this idea. If only.


AKH said...

I heard that on the Wait Wait Don't Tell Me NPR podcast. That is so hilarious.

ShaneMo said...

Would you recommend this podcasts? What do they talk about?

AKH said...

The Wait Wait Don't Tell Me podcast is really funny. It comes out once a week (usually Sunday night) and it is around 45 minutes. They have comedians on the show and they discuss the week's news and play different games. It is really funny. I would highly recommend it. There should be a link to it on my blog.